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Cyber Security: Types Cyberattacks to Know
Technological advancements have had a huge positive impact on the business world. Today, almost every organization or business has an IT system to boost performance. The biggest challenge associated with the IT system in your business is cyberattacks. According to studies done, cyberattacks are estimated to lead to a loss of 33 billion records by 2023. The need for cyber attack prevention methods is encouraged because of the rising cases of cyberattacks in many organizations. Knowledge regarding different forms of cyberattack is crucial in cyber attack prevention. This will make it easier for you to prevent them from happening in your organization. Below, you will learn more about different types of cyberattacks and cyber attack prevention methods.
Phishing is the first type of cyberattack that you should be aware of. In phishing, hackers focus on stealing sensitive data such as credit card numbers, login credentials, and bank account numbers from organizations. By posing as trusted individuals and organizations, hackers gain access to sensitive company data. The hackers will thereafter, send a link, message, or email asking you to enter sensitive information. This is most likely to happen when you are waiting for someone to send you an email asking for confidential or sensitive information. A cyber attack prevention for phishing is verifying who you are sending this information to.
Man-in-the-middle (MitM) is a common form of cyberattack where someone eavesdrops on you or puts themselves in a two-person transaction or conversation. A good example is where someone joins a conversation using your Wi-Fi or open network. Also, you should be aware of malware as a cyberattack threat. A malware is considered software that can hurt your computers such as a virus or ransomware. Commonly, a hacker can put malware on your device by overwhelming you with popups. Clicking on download means inviting a virus or ransomware in your computer. A cyber attack prevention for this cyberattack is making sure that you do not open anything suspicious that popups on your device.
Also, you should be aware of a password attack. Since it is an easier form of cyberattack, it is advisable that you follow password requirements for your organization when creating a password. Creating a strong password requires one to include different characters, capitalization, numbers, and special characters. A rare form of cyberattack that you should know is the denial of service. This is a usual occurrence in websites that enjoy huge traffic to the extent that visitors cannot get what they need. Hackers use this opportunity to overload the servers of the website and change the information displayed.
Finally, you should be aware of Botnet. Botnet is a complex form of a cyberattack that happens when automated users or devices join together to collectively accomplish an attack. Botnet attack can be avoided by creating a strong security wall.